6 Online Mentoring Platforms to Find a Mentor in 2024

Alex Walters
3 min readDec 26, 2023


Image Source — Freepik

Discovering the ideal mentor can be a game-changer for your personal and professional development. In this digital age, online mentoring platforms have emerged as a dynamic solution to connect individuals with mentors globally.

The evolution of mentoring has been significantly influenced by the internet, providing an accessible avenue for people seeking guidance and growth opportunities. Whether you’re navigating career choices, developing new skills, or pursuing personal goals, the right mentor can make a substantial impact on your journey.

Explore online mentoring platforms to seamlessly connect with mentors who align with your aspirations, fostering a collaborative environment for learning and progress. Embrace the power of online mentorship to unlock your full potential and accelerate your path to success.

What is a mentoring platform?

A mentoring platform is an online or technology-based system designed to facilitate mentoring relationships between individuals, typically pairing a more experienced mentor with a less experienced mentee. These platforms aim to streamline the process of connecting mentors and mentees, providing tools and resources to enhance the mentoring experience.

Top 6 Online Mentoring Platforms

  1. MentorCity: This platform facilitates mentorship programs for organizations, allowing them to match employees for mentoring relationships.

2. Chronus: Chronus provides a comprehensive mentoring platform with features for program management, participant matching, and communication tools.

3. MentorcliQ: This platform offers a user-friendly interface for both mentors and mentees and includes features for goal setting and progress tracking.

4. 5Plus: 5Plus an online mentoring platform connecting thousands of global mentors & mentees. Find & hire a mentor coach to accelerate your personal & professional growth.

5. MentorCloud: A global mentoring platform that connects individuals for knowledge sharing and skill development, with a focus on fostering cross-cultural mentorship relationships.

6. Mentorloop: Mentorloop is an online mentoring platform that facilitates the creation and management of mentoring programs within organizations.

